migrating moodle from one server to another
When you migrate moodle from one server to another, you have to take a copy of three things and make certain changes. There are some caveats however which I will mention here. Moodle has three main parts, the app itself, the database, and the uploads and cache data repository. We are going to assume that the following paths are used by Moodle: /var/www/moodle/ - the app itself, containing folders like "admin, analytics, auth, availability, badges..." and importantly, the config.php file /var/www/moodle_data/ - the app cache data and uploads, containing the folders "cache, diag, filedir, lang, localcache, lock, muc, sessions, temp, trashdir" Let's assume for this example that your database is called moodle , your database username is moodle , and your password is abc123 . Let's also assume your target server allows you to upload files as root over ssh/scp. We divide the instructions up into source server and target server/new server. Let's assume you...