Change user to admininstrator
To make a user an administrator on a moodle instance, you need to find their UserID and add it to the moodle config table in the database.
Step 1. Get the User ID:
select username,id from mdl_user where username="john";
This will print out something like the following:
| username | id |
| john | 4 |
Step 2. Find out who is/are already administrator/s:
select * from mdl_config where name="siteadmins";
This will print out something like this:
| id | name | value |
| 23 | siteadmins | 2,289,3497,10187,4164,10165,10175,210,10181,4184 |
This means that user ID numbers <2,289,3497,10187,4164,10165,10175,210,10181,4184> are admins
Step 3. Add your user ID to the list.
Copy the list of user ID numbers with commas in them and add yours to the list.
Step 4. Insert yourself
Issue the following SQL instruction with the new list of user IDs:
update mdl_config set value="4,2,289,3497,10187,4164,10165,10175,210,10181,4184" where name="siteadmins";